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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-10

  • Gotta get a good night's sleep - I won't get back in bed until Friday afternoon. I think I might be too old for this. #

Reader Comments (1)

Hi Leo,

I've been listening to TWiT live for a couple of months now! I love your show! I am a creative writer/independent filmmaker and theatre artist interested in eventually doing podcasts(er, newscasts, whatever . . .) and your show
gives me courage. The best part of the show is when you and John Dvorak argue/debate/diss one another. Good stuff! I like to promote the idea of uniting technology with the arts and I learn more from your show everyday.
Keep up the good work.

P.S. Does Carl Icahn have anything useful to add to Yahoo's reorganization if the company is sold, or is he just
a hit and run artist? Pump and dump provocateur? A wham/bam thank you ma'am lover, technologically speaking? (LOL)

July 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercreativemultimedia

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