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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-13

  • I broke down and did it. White 16GB. There was a line of about 20 people at the Santa Rosa Apple store. Activation took no time at all, tho. #
  • Oh, and by the way, I'm lovin' it. #
  • Why isn't there a FriendFeed app, though. Installed Twitterific - terrific as you'd expect. Lots of whizbang location based apps, too. #
  • Hello world. #
  • Molly's 50th near 6th St & F St #
  • Fast asleep near Melanie Ct & Olive St #
  • @dsilverman iPhone battery is puny, yes but I think we'll learn to manage it by disabling services as (not) needed. Mophie we need you! #
  • My wife thinks I'm having an affair. With my iPhone. Say hello to my little friend. #
  • AOL Radio on the iPhone is a killer app. Broadcast radio should be very afraid. CBS stations excepted - they're all there. #

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