Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-08-27

- via TWiT Army: @engy The TWiT t-shirts and the "Don't Bug Me I'm Waxing My Yacht" are from <http://artandt ... #
- via TWiT Army: @evan suggested turning on the queues setting in config. Seems to have helped a lot. Thanks @evan! #laconica #
- via TWiT Army: @comptr: @kshep runs a bridge at - once you set it up your posts here automatically go to Twitter #
- via TWiT Army: I can't believe Roz is arriving in Hawaii in five days and Abby is leaving for France in seven. #
- via TWiT Army: I turned on "non-local messages in public timeline" - I'll turn them off and you'll only see TA posts on TA. The Twitter ... #
- via TWiT Army: @frogman54 I don't think it's unnecessary to unsub for TA's sake - notice queueing seems to have fixed the slowdowns. #
- via TWiT Army: (psst don't tell anyone, but I like TWiT Army SO much better than #twitter, #pownce, #jaiku, #plurk, #rejaws, etc etc.) #
- via TWiT Army: Thanks @alexmiller - I think #mysql wasn't the problem after all. Plenty of resources, just needed a queue. #
- via TWiT Army: @frogman54 at this point I've applied everything I know of. Check it now and see if it's working in #ie6. I can't believ ... #
- via TWiT Army: @sethgoldstein - stay tuned. #twhirl support is in the works. #
- [twitarmy] @garyk - no, do whatever suits you. I was doing "via" but that was too long and too promotional #
- [twitarmy] @frogman54 - ok I'm going to do it right now and you'll see why it's not going to work #
- [twitarmy] I like [twitarmy] - I'm switching to that. #
- @bingobaa Wow. Thanks bingo. I'll mention it on Security Now and my radio show this weekend. #


Reader Comments (2)
mccain picked laura roslin for vp. Cool.
I am very excited to hear that the Roz Rows podcast has been saved, even if it will now only be broadcast once per week. Thank you Leo
ps. I was a bit surprised that you deleted my previous comments relating to this topic.