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Love It Or Hate It? - TWiT 134

There have been numerous comments about TWiT 134: Pave The Cowpaths on our private donors forum, most of them critical of the subject matter, one of our guests, an irrelevant discussion about audio issues in the middle, and my recommendation of a book by Orson Scott Card. Here's the response I posted on the forum. I wanted to post it here, too, to give you all a chance to comment.
I knew some of you would hate the show - and some of you would love it (far more lovers on Twitter and Pownce than here, not surprisingly). Unlike mainstream media, I don't make programming decisions based on what "most people" will like. That's the strength of this new medium - it's not ratings driven, it's idea driven. Sometimes TWiT isn't going to match your expectations. There are people who want it to be a TechTV Alumni fest, others who want it to be a tech news roundtable. It will be those sometimes, but I program TWiT as a show that reflects the most interesting and important issues in tech, as I see them. I don't mean to sound defensive here - I just want you to understand what I'm aiming for. The beauty of the new Internet media is that there's something for everybody. My shows are always going to reflect my interests. That's why I make 'em! If you share my interests, you'll enjoy (or at least appreciate) what I'm creating. If not, there are lots of other people doing really great programming, too. You have so many choices these days - let a million flowers bloom! I thought Winer was great - very, very insightful. If you can't get past his voice, listen to his ideas. Twitter et al. are new net memes that are as interesting, and I think, as significant, as RSS, but like RSS I don't expect everyone to get it right away. Dave is one of the few people I know who understand this stuff at a very deep level. As for the praise for Orson Scott Card - I love his work; I hate his politics. But that's no reason not to read or recommend him. I read many, many authors whose politics I abhor. If Card's homophobia or neanderthal agenda crept into his novels I'd not recommend him, but I can't think of a single incident where they have. If you can, please let me know and I'll stop recommending him. I do apologize for not editing out the audio issues talk - that was just an oversight. I certainly didn't mean to leave it in. I agree it wastes your time - very sorry.
Let's use the ratings system for this post to reflect your rating for the show. Thanks!

Reader Comments (169)

The content of the episode was fine. It was a bit obscure, but most TWiT episodes talk about things that are obscure to the mainstream world. And I don't care much about Orson Scott Card's beliefs other than my amazement at how his beliefs don't seem to influence his writing at all. I think my problem with this episode was a lack of politeness. I kept thinking to myself that Dave Winer's last name is a perfect fit for him. It can't be just a programmer thing, because all the people who appear on FLOSS seem very courteous.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJardine

I didn't think it was the greatest TWiT of all time, but it was okay... bye the way Leo, the best TWiT of all time was 134 with Dvorak and Calacanis... getting them on again will more than make up for any mistake, even "yellow lasers".

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosiah Olson

Well i thought this ep was the most painful ive listened to in a while. But even the worst TWiT is better than most other stuff. Your doing a great job Leo and while i may not find every twit interesting and informative, 9 times out of 10 its great. Kepp up the good work and dont get distracted by all the complaints, you cant please everybody all of the time.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAshley

I liked the show. Yes it was different, but if TWiT was the exact same thing every week I would get bored, and sometimes you need a different panel to foster a different dynamic and focus.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScott

Hi Leo!

I liked ep. 134. I like it when your discussions can turn from simple tech talk to the current mainstream issues we face everyday. Technology has just about permeated into every aspect of our modern lives. So, I do find that the discussions that happen on TWIT to be relevant.

Keep on doing what you're doing. I love the show, and I found I have become more technology aware, since I started to listen to your show. I can't wait for ep.135!


March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPamela

I didn't enjoy this weeks episode either because of the guest but I don't see why everyone is up in arms about it. Even the best traditional media have good and bad episodes (which is itself subjective I know).

Keep up the good work Leo.

P.S. Missing Windows Weekly

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJames

Hi Leo,

Never commented before, but felt I wanted to have my say. I loved the show! I have a 2 hour daily drive to work, and I look forward to my weekly TWIT fix. I'm not an IT expert, I don't work in the industry, I don't even understand most of the content sometimes. But I love it! I never knew about sites like Pownce, Twitter, FriendFeed or anything similar until I started listening to TWIT. Now I am with all of them.

As a total layperson, I may not be your 'target demographic' but I love both the high-brow and low-fi discussions on the show.

As for the haters? Forgive them and move on :)

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaul

I thought the episode was fine. I had never heard Dave Winer before and can't say I'm a fan now, I might not love all the guests, but it doesn't take away my enjoyment of the TWIT or my appreciation for the work you do.
I'd like to echo what others have said and agree that I really enjoy it when Jason Calacanis is on the show. I was introduced to him through TWIT and now follow him via Twitter.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJason Wertenberger


I thought it was a pretty good show. I learned more about RSS, as well as a few other tidbits, and I thought the banter between everyone was great!

I look forward to Mondays, as TWiT is one of the first podcasts I listen to. Keep up the great work!


March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrian McElyea

Hey Leo

Love it or hate it, we'll support whatever you do. Personally, I love the rawness of the show. It's a side of the medium we never get to see with mainstream broadcasting.

Justin Gill

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJustin Gill

I doesn't really matter to me if who you are or what your leanings are. I just think its irritating when a simple (near) fact as iTunes supporting podcasts basically put the rest of the pod-catching community out of business is sharply contested, how are you suppose to have a meaningful debate on something that is not so cut and dry ?

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterken

I wasn't bothered by the episode in anyway per say.

The biggest complaint I could have is that Dave Winer just didn't fit into a round table discussion mold and his personality sort of forced the episode into "Leo and gang interview Dave Winer" which is fine at times especially times such as this week where there just isn't much news. The first couple of times Calacanis was on it was similar but he was much better at being a member of the round table last time. If Winer is on a couple more times, we may find that he learns to fit in better.

I can totally understand how some people might not have liked the episode as much as others but they're just a bunch of "winers" :-)

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterchris

We all share this technology realm with all kinds of people. I enjoyed the freshness of the show. I also enjoyed learning by what was said. Everyone has differences in opinion based on their past experiences. Keep up the good work! I did not see a need to edit anything out.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

hey, i might not have loved every minute of the show, but WHAT a great insite in to how others are thinking and what makes them tick.
It was very candid, and you take from it what you want..

and why the heck to YOU have to apologize for an author.
sheesh... I don't think you have to do that. No one apologizes for all the liberal slop I have to put up with.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim

Hi Leo. I actually really liked the topics covered in the episode. I think the discussion about the various microblogging services is very interesting. And the audio issues were quite comical. I love the moments in the show when you have audio issues or other "irrelevant" things come up - it shows that you guys are genuine, and it keeps me entertained. Like you say, having these genuine moments is exactly what separates TWiT from the mainstream media.

However, I did have a lot of trouble listening to Winer. His voice is so condescending and confrontational. A panelist is expected, and should be encouraged, to disagree and say controversial things, but it can still be done in a way that is courteous. Dvorak is the perfect example. He always stirrs up controversy and is not afraid to disagree, but he is also not arrogant at all and also very entertaining to listen to.

In the end, I will say that the quality of TWiT has been increasing gradually over time, and this precious episode seems to be an anomaly. The topics were fine- just don't bring back Winer. In fact, I would love to hear another discussion on Twitter and Pownce, but with people who know how to have a discussion - like Dvorak, Patrick Norton, Calacanis, Reisinger, etc..

Many thanks for the great shows - I used to watch you on TechTV when I was in middle school - now I'm in college and I'm listening to you on the net! How much the world has changed for me.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMaxx

I have yet to listen to this particular episode, as I'm saving it for when I'm at work tonight, but I do have something to say.

TWiT has never been boring to me. I hate a lot of mainstream media. It's always a treat to listen to, and I look forward to each episode. I don't look at it as a "show". It's just a discussion between tech guys and geeks, and I enjoy it for just being that. I'm not hoping for it to be a news show. The "TechTV alumni" episodes are great. But this isn't TechTV. This isn't The ScreenSavers. This is TWiT. This is about, as the name states, this week's tech news. So what if you don't stick to "mainstream show guidelines". You're all real people, smart people, with good ideas and thoughts on your mind, and I'm always happy to hear what you (Leo) and the others have to say. I'm glad you're doing this, and don't let anyone get you down. If I had it, I'd donate a million dollars to you.

Keep on TWiT'ing. :)

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTriston Hopkins

Obviously, as a musician, I care about the sound of the podcast. But for the information, I kept listening. I enjoy this show... especially when it's library quite at work.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBridget Willard

Keep up the good work, Leo. If you're not p*ssing someone off, you're not doing it right!

You're very careful to be balanced and evenhanded in the way you present things... don't change a thing!

the nice thing about podcasts.. you can skip 'em, if you don't like the content.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGordon Firemark

Come on Leo, how can you say there was "absolutely nothing to talk about"?

The release of Adobe AIR this week was HUGE news, and got a lot of coverage in other tech news sites. Not to mention the excessive coverage that the impending Flex, Silverlight and JavaFX battle is getting.

I remember you saying you were excited about AIR (then called Apollo) on net@nite a few months ago, so I was amazed that the above didn't even get a mention from you guys. AIR has potential to change the way users access the web, and I think it derseves to be discussed in many of the TWiT podcasts.

Having said all that, I love the content you create, and I enjoyed this weeks show.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTony Fendall

Double post with corrections:

I must be crazy. I listened to the show 2.5 times. The half being where I had to break off to go and unload my truck.

Leo, I’m not a coder nor a content creator. What I do is fix non-geek’s tech issues on a local level. That may set me apart from most of the people that listen to you shows.

I found this show to be a great listen and highly insightful. As, for those that may have complaints…..pfffft!

To me, you’re like a great chef. An artisan who mixes many flavors to create a feast of the mind. Sometimes the shows are spicy and light. Other times they’re heavy but makes one search for that flavor they’ve known to have tasted before. I for one am glad you posted your thoughts on all the negative comments coming out after the show. Some folks just want their hamburger and fries and don’t you dare change it one damn bit!

You done good and gave ‘em a little pop in the butt to boot. :D
And I do love the way John D is a like a foil against the mask at times. excellent.

As for the show. I learned much this week and not so much last week. You know what……I’ll probably learn some next week too….
I love your shows. That’s enough for me.

btw. I don’t always agree with the guest or the host….but, you always entertain….
isn’t that what it’s all about?

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWalt (aka HeyDriver)

Thanks for what you do Leo! You can't please everyone, so don't worry about trying to.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScott

I'll be brief. Your show, do what YOU want. I don't agree with your politics but as it has been said many times, freedom of speech and your show. I look forward to getting TWIT and MacBreak Weekly (and I don't even have a Mac!). Keep on talking about what you like and mostly like I'll keep listening. Nobody is forced to listen. They choose to.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDaniel


I love the shows that you do, your my connection to the techno elite here in Syracuse. The past two weeks have been great for the past two weeks. The Johnathan Coulton interview was entertaining and Paving the Cowpath's was a little thick but interesting. Keep up the great work, and if you stray ill let you know. Keep up the great work! Thank You.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZack in Syracuse

I thought it was a great show. Definitely keep mixing it up! Unfortunately Dave didn't come across well on the 'cast, but those who listened to him were given a glimpse at the bleeding edge of RSS-etc.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoshua

I thought it was a great show as well. I like hearing people with different thoughts and, although twitter vs pownce is not my favortie topic, I would love to hear those guys on another topic. Steve Gillmore is very interesting, as well as Dave Winer, in each their own manner.

Keep up the good work, Leo.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMathieu

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